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How Debbie works
Link your accounts and track your debts and savings, all in one place
Debbie helps you visualize your money progress.
Set up your financial goals, and earn cash for meeting them.
Set up money goals, and complete weekly money psychology tips and challenges to earn cash. Get motivated on your journey to financial freedom.
Unlock better interest rates**
Debbie works with credit union partners in our Rate Crusher Marketplace who can help you get higher interest rates on your savings, while refinancing your high interest debt for a much lower rate.

What is Debbie?
Debbie is where you start your journey to financial freedom. This is the program that guides, motivates, and rewards you for saving and paying off debt! Debbie users have paid off 3x more debt than the average borrower, as well as saved around $100/month on average. Do you want to be part of this elite crowd? đź‘€
How does Debbie work?
At the core of Debbie is a psychology-based financial program, where we help you understand your money mindset, set goals, track your progress, and earn rewards when you reach milestones! Each part of the Debbie program will help you gain the knowledge and tools to upgrade your habits, build your emergency fund, stay out of debt forever, and build wealth.
Is Debbie free?
Yes, Debbie is 100% free 🙌
How does Debbie make money?
No, we do not sell your data. Debbie partners with financial institutions who sponsor the experience and want to see you succeed. What’s in it for them? Well, you need to set up a free account with them to unlock your rewards (don't worry, we'll help with that). Debbie makes money in two ways. 1) In addition to the rewards, our financial partners pay us a fee to offer the Debbie program. 2) We help you find financial products at better rates that you might qualify for, and the partner pays us for the new business.