How to Change Your Money Mindset

In order for us to have a healthy relationship with money, it’s important that we understand our values around money. Money values show us our motivation behind spending and saving and can include freedom, financial security, control, generosity, and flexibility.

Many of us make decisions thinking that there is a certain way we should be living life. Whether it was the way you were raised or social influence from your friends/family, you’ve developed some concept of whether you should or shouldn’t do something 🧠

It’s important that we understand our own personal thoughts and goals around money, rather than those of our friends/family. Thankfully, science proves it’s not too late to change the way you think, feel, and act about money.

But..How? 💡

You may feel like you are set in your ways, but you can actually retrain your brain to think and feel different about money through neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change structure and function throughout life as you repeat certain tasks. More cutely put, brain cells that “fire together, wire together”.

In essence, the more you practice a specific behavior, the stronger those brain pathways become and the easier the habit gets 💪 For example, using Debbie over time can rewire your brain for better money habits.


How to Start🔑

The key strategy to a healthy and productive relationship with money is knowing which values are important to you, and aligning your goals and actions with them.

Step 1: Establish Your Driver

Start by thinking about your long term goals and identify the reasons why they are important to you.

It’s one thing to know what you would like to accomplish with your money, but knowing the real why of reaching that goal will help keep you on the right path.

For example, maybe your best life includes being able to buy a home. On a deeper level, you value your privacy and ownership, and want to invest in your security.

Step 2: Start With Small Changes

Align your actions with your goals. Want to buy a home? Well, you need to start saving for one - however, it's hard to take a hard 180, and some things might be scary to do (like checking your bank account), so start with smaller changes.

Some small changes can include:

  • Reviewing your transactions once this week to make sure everything looks ok - you might even find something
  • Setting aside a small amount of cash automatically with every paycheck

Making small changes will help you be more mindful with money over time, and it will make evolving to the bigger changes easier over time.

Step 3: Level Up

When you feel like you've reached a small step, make it a little bit bigger. Repeat that over and over and over again, and you've changed your habits. This can take months to accomplish, even years - that's why we start with small changes so you don't get discouraged quickly. It's also why Debbie rewards you when you first start your debt payoff program with us.

Over time, you'll also feel more confident with your finances and react less emotionally to big setbacks.

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The app that upgrades your money mindset and debt, for free

Debbie is an app that uses behavioral psychology and prizes to help you pay off debt for good. The app rewards you for paying off debt with lower interest rates on your current credit, as well as cash. Start our free money psychology course today to get qualified. Start Now →

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